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Review facial cleanser and moisturiser Hada Labo

Review facial cleanser and moisturiser Hada Labo

I am so in obsess with Hada Labo products since there are many good reviews and the price quite expensive (typical mind set, expensive stuff must be a good product). But since the price is not so students friendly, so I never try until Watson make sales last few months. I am so excited that time as finally I can buy my dream skincare.

Skin condition: Last semester my skin is more to dry skin, then during the semester break I am so lazy to take care my skin. Only wash my face with water and sometimes with facial cleanser. As a result my dry skin transform to OILY skin. Ugh. My dry skin is really bad actually where I can’t wear any powder on my skin as my skin will look like snow flake h a h a h a but to be honest I prefer my dry skin at least my skin doesn’t look like fried (HANGUS) egg with extra oil and BELEMOIH(ini slang Utara)

Inspired by the smoothness and delicateness of an unshelled egg, this range contains mild exfoliating ingredients to give clarity, brightness and promotes skin cell renewal by preventing dead skin cell buildup. Day after day skin becomes smoother, softer and more radiant.- HADA LABO

Facial cleanser AHA BHA (                 )
Price:RM33.90(shoppe) but I got around RM30 or less
Actually I want to buy the pollution one cause I am not so into AHA BHA products as from what I read AHA will cause skin sensitivity towards sunlight( easily sun burn if you didn’t wear sunscreen) and I am lazy to study what, how to use products that contains AHA BHA .

I give 3 starts for the facial cleanser as it does make my skin feel clean after rinse but not a fresh feel. The facial cleanser does not make my skin tight or dry as my skin feel soft but not so baby skin. The smell is okay no strong smell (idk how to describe the smell but just nice) and after a few month I don’t feel clean as before after washing my face. I think my skin always like that hahaha

Moisturiser for combination skin  (                 )
Price:rm59.90(shoppe) but I bought around RM50 or less during promotion
As I mention earlier, my skin is oily but why I buy for combination skin? First of all I started to use facial cleanser when the new semester started so my very oily skin I think already turn to oily skin. Second because the packaging for oily skin is green/ turquoise and PINK for combination skin. Pink is my fav colour ( a colour I would die for) so I decided to buy the pink one and said to my self ( your skin now is combination, trust yourself).

The texture is medium, not too light not too heavy. For me, I only use a small amount like half than my previous moisturiser(previously I use aloe) what I like about the moisturiser is your skin will be smooth and gebu like   baby. For the first 2 weeks I can’t see much different. My skin still oily. I guess  maybe cuz I bought the wrong one where I should buy for oily skin. My skin will look very barai after class 8am to 12pm. Even I wear cc cream, everything will be wash out by the oil/sebum. But luckily, after few week I can see a bit different, my skin less oily. Yeah I didn’t make the wrong decision. Pink never go wrong for me.

But I wish the moisturiser will help my skin look fresh and (TAK KUSAM) maybe I should add serum or what to boost my skin condition so my dull skin will go away and never come back then I will be confident to go out only wear sunscreen.


Overall review:
Even thought I give 3 stars for both products but hey they are not very bad. At least my skin is getting better. But lately my skin easily (DIJAJAH) by acne especially on the forehead and in between cheek and nose. Maybe I am a lil bit stress and my diet is not so good.

Now after my skin getting better, I only wear sunscreen and baby powder whenever I go out. I rarely put on my CC cream as I want my skin outshine and breath. Let the skin get a better ‘’ventilation’’. I am still looking towards any additional skincare to boost my skin condition so that I just need to wear sunscreen only!
*my skincare routine Facial cleanser(HL) > toner(rarely use) > moisturiser(HL) > scrub( St.Ives oatmeal, 2-3 times a week) > clay mask ( freeman, 2-3 times a week)
*if you guys have any thing to say, please me to reply PLEASE) or dm me @chutyangcomel on twitter (can also give recommendation to overcome my dull skin, Thanks in advance)
*sorry for my bad photographing skills huhuh

keyword: hada labo, facial cleanser, review, hada labo malaysia


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