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Did I made the right decision?

Did I made the right decision?

I bet, the sentence I mentioned above ever appear in everyone mind every time we need to make decision. There are so many big decision we need to make as we grown up. And it’s suck cause for me I always feel that I am to young to know which one is the best for me. With the lack of experience and knowledge how I want to decide? That is why mistake is the best teacher.

One of the biggest decision I made at age of 18 is either Diploma, Matriculation or Form 6. During my school day, I always hope to further my study at Matriculation and never expecting for Form 6 or Diploma. Searching information about matriculation is all I do in the year 2015( SPM batch 2015). After I got my SPM result I already know that my dream already END. I got wake up call from a lovely sleep after SPM. Enjoying my SPM life(honeymoon) I play around and my SPM result is the prize for my attitude.

Skip to the next,those who failed to get place in matriculation will be placed in Form 6. Yes my name is there, Science Stream Form 6. I couldn’t remember much and lazy to recall but at the end I rejected Form 6 and hoping for Diploma which I never ever expect I will be diploma students, I fill the UPU just for back up and to be safe. There are a few reason why I rejected Form 6 one of them cause I just don’t want. The school for Science Stream Form 6 is way too far. But still this is not the hardest decision for me.

Alhamdulillah, i received offer Diploma in Environmental Health from UiTM. If I am not mistaken, there’s only a week to prepare before registration,I am happy cause at least I got chance to further my study because I don’t know what to do if I don’t get any offer.

So where is the hardest decision I made? The hardest part is 1 or 2 week after lecture started in UiTM. The result for matriculation appeal out and I got place for second in take! And the matriculation that I got is the matriculation where the other of my friends got too. I am super excited! But the problem is, I already paid university fees and buy things. On the weekend I back home I told my mum that I want to stop my diploma. One of my reason is I just can’t adapt with the environment. My house mates are from different course which 6 of them in them same course one from other course so 3 course in house. What is the problem? The problem is, my classmates only befriends with their house mates which means I need to survive alone. Going to class etc alone in my first week of university life during Ramadhan is hard. My mum said, it’s up to you, diploma or matriculation but the way she talk, she doesn’t want I to stop my diploma. I am so stresssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss at this moment. I said to my self “if I failed my diploma, it’s not my fault. This is not my choice!’’ I text my matriculation friends, asking their opinion. Of course they are welcoming me but you know, I still need to listen to mum. My sister also support me to matriculation. What make me even stress is one of my best friend also didn’t (dapat) for the first intake and yes she has almost the same life story as me (diploma -  2nd intake matric) and she stop her diploma study and continue in matriculation but she already happy with her diploma life but her mother want her to be in matriculation. What a life we both live.

After all, I stick with diploma and just pretend that I never got (tawaran) to matric. during my semester 1-3 my heart is still in matriculation. Maybe in 5 years when I read this again I will said all this just a small matter and MAYBE I will be very thankful for the decision I made.

So this is a summary of the hardest decision I made. I didn’t elaborate much. This might be boring so thank you for those who read until here. Diploma is not that bad guys. Maybe because I am expecting University life would be so great, big campus, friends but I got small campus, I hardly start conversation with people but I am survived and can’t wait to (sambung) my degree. Do you guys think I should write about how to survive university?( I am not good but just sharing the way I do, different people different way and experience)

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i also looking forward to share good moment here too!


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