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Did I made the right decision?

Did I made the right decision? I bet, the sentence I mentioned above ever appear in everyone mind every time we need to make decision. There are so many big decision we need to make as we grown up. And it ’s suck cause for me I always feel that I am to young to know which one is the best for me. With the lack of experience and knowledge how I want to decide? That is why mistake is the best teacher. One of the biggest decision I made at age of 18 is either Diploma, Matriculation or Form 6. During my school day, I always hope to further my study at Matriculation and never expecting for Form 6 or Diploma. Searching information about matriculation is all I do in the year 2015( SPM batch 2015). After I got my SPM result I already know that my dream already END. I got wake up call from a lovely sleep after SPM. Enjoying my SPM life(honeymoon) I play around and my SPM result is the prize for my attitude. Skip to the next,those who failed to get place in matriculation will be plac
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UiTM Bertam di Hatiku Part 1

First of all i would to say Tahniah kepada yang buka blog ni sebabnya mesti hampa(korang) dapat UiTM Pulau Pinang Kampus Bertam kan. Basically here in uitm bertam everyone dah macam zombie! Hectic week since it is week 12 already and result UPU pun dah keluar. I have test tomorrow morning and field visit in the afternoon and next test after mid sem break , terfikir gak what i want to do esok malam since nak study awal lagi(HAHAHAHHA TAK SEDAQ DIRI) so i got idea nak update blog tulis pasal UiTM Bertam malam esok. But in my previous entry ada juga tulis pasal UiTM (  UiTM Bertam 1  ,  UiTM Bertam 2 ,  UiTM Bertam 3  ) actually dah lama plan nk update more about UiTM Bertam but since i am too busy (acah) so maybe i will try to update tomorrow night.So see you guys tomorrow!

Review facial cleanser and moisturiser Hada Labo

Review facial cleanser and moisturiser Hada Labo I am so in obsess with Hada Labo products since there are many good reviews and the price quite expensive (typical mind set, expensive stuff must be a good product). But since the price is not so students friendly, so I never try until Watson make sales last few months. I am so excited that time as finally I can buy my dream skincare. Skin condition: Last semester my skin is more to dry skin, then during the semester break I am so lazy to take care my skin. Only wash my face with water and sometimes with facial cleanser. As a result my dry skin transform to OILY skin. Ugh. My dry skin is really bad actually where I can’t wear any powder on my skin as my skin will look like snow flake h a h a h a  but to be honest I prefer my dry skin at least my skin doesn ’t look like fried (HANGUS) egg with extra oil and BELEMOIH(ini slang Utara) Inspired by the smoothness and delicateness of an unshelled egg, this range contains

Typical Malaysian ( Study)

Assalamualaikum y'all. It's raining here, i feel excited to start my writing about Typical Malaysian in scope of study. If you're Malaysian I'm pretty sure during childhood our ambitious are same. If people ask, what do you want to be, the answer doctor, engineer, lawyer, teacher, police, nurse, architect,dentist, businessman, lecturer. The first five are the most popular isn't? My primary school teacher had asked us "y'all tak pernah ka terpikir nak jadi pembaca berita ka" from there i start to think, she is right. I'm asking myself, why i never think about that huh? It's no wrong to be like what i listed above but do you ever think why our ambitious is too mainstream? Like we never think out of the box? For sure it isn't the kids problem. This typical ambitious /career isn't only among the kids but also among adults. Last year, this one guy asked me if there's will be demand for my course ( graduate nanti ada kerja ka)
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We live in a life that we never dreamt. We feel alive in our dream life. Life is unexpected. You can be happy in a second but suddenly emotional,sad,disappointed,feel terrible. During our happy moment , everything went smooth. We become productive, negative stuff turn positive, no matter happened, we smile even it's a bitter pill to swallow . Rain, hot, windy kinda great weather. People that we love always besides us. Keep supporting us, giving us strength. But when suddenly the person that we love, we care, we trust betrayed us/gone. The world feel like at the end. Everything isn't right. Our heart break into pieces. There's no more feeling excepted sorrow. The rain make us more sad. The sun make us restless, the wind feels like our feeling; empty, can feel but can't touch or see. When we depend too much on people, we are risking our live. We can't take people as granted. People come and go, people change but never for Allah. I realize, there's no on

Tips Masuk U

#TipsMasukU #Tips1 Jangan lupa solat. Benda ni penting sangat, bila kita dok berjauhan dengan family ni takda sesapa nak gerak kita solat subuh apa semua so kena pandai 2  hidup. Kecuali kalau dapat kawan yang rajin nak kejutkan dan nak ingatkan. #Tips2 Ukur baju di badan sendiri. Memang rambang mata kalau awal 2  dalam akaun bank tetiba ada 1-2K duit. Lagi-lagi peminjam PTPTN. Ingat duit tu bukan untuk sebulan tapi untuk 1 sem. Kalau boleh buat perancangan bajet. Target untuk makanan etc. Jangan seronok sangat kerap makan luar. Makanan kat food court lagi murah, rasa pun boleh tahan ja. Ingat, anda tu pelajar bukan jutawan nak berbelanja sakan. Kalau ada kawan yang kaya dan boros jangan ikut. #Tips3 Tips jimat. Dekat U ni memang ramai yang berjimat. Kalau ia pun nak berjimat janganlah makan maggie ja, bukan sebab maggie tu penyebab bodoh, tapi benda tu instant food banyak MSG and preservatives. Kalau boleh sebulan 2 kali ja dah la. Makanan kat food court pun murah j